Development utilities
Compilation and packaging utilities.
- sh-htoolchain - Suckless way to properly automate [cross] software compilation.
- sh-getsrc - Scripts to automate and homogenize source code downloading.
- sh-installer - Installer is a simple script that creates a
to automatically downloads and extracts a package.
Utilities that help on programming tasks.
- sh-sloc - Program to measure the SLOC of software projects.
- sh-getprj - Get the directory of a project in a working environment.
- sh-cgi-scripts - Shell and python scripts for writting small CGI WEB programs.
- sh-gettext - Script for gettext.
Utilities for C/C++ programming.
Some experiments writen in C/C++/Hare.
- c-hos - A toy operating system for x86 in less than 1000 lines of code.
- c-tictactui - A tictactoe with minimax that follows the UNIX philosophy.
- cxx-tictactui - A tictactoe game with minimax that follows the UNIX philosophy written in C++.
- hare-tictactoe - Small implementation of tictactoe with minimax using the hare programming language.
- c-yacc-lex-ejemplo - Manual y proyecto de ejemplo para YACC y LEX.
- cxx-hello-fltk - Example FLTK hello world program.
- c-hitz - This is a small command prompt I wrote in 2017.
- ush - uSh (Micro Shell), is a small interpreter with a syntax similar to Tcl/Tk. Is written in pure ANSI C and can be easily extended.
- sockgames - This is a small game framework for terminal multiplayer games, for now only supports snake.
Other experiments in Python/Go/SH.
- py-tictactui - The classic TicTacToe game that follows the UNIX philosophy written in python.
- go-tictactui - The TicTacToe game in Go following the UNIX philosophy. I wrote this to learn the Go language.
- sh-memegen - Simple command line meme generator with an integrated collection.
- sh-qemu-altos - Alternative operating system qemu launchers.
Finance and money utilities.
- sh-hledger-spain - Script de ayuda para visualizar datos de hledger(1) para el rellenado
- sh-esign - Scripts and procedures to work with digital signatures
- go-coingecko - A curated command line interface to coingecko. Also a go library.
Libraries (SH,C/C++)
C/C++ libraries.
- c-phash - A single header C library and command line utility for calculating a MurmurHash 64bit hash.
- c-trim - Single header C library with the
- c-ftemplate - Simplest templating mechanism in C.
- c-urlencode - Single header C library for URL encoding.
- c-uuri - Minimalist and secure URI/URL parsing and encoding library.
- c-usock - Small library for writing UNIX socket services.
- c-usip - SIP message parsing and encoding library.
- c-harkaitz-experiments - I store my C/C++ experiments in this repository.
Go libraries.
- go-recutils - GNU Recutils database support for Go.
- go-dialog - GO interface to dialog(1).
- go-faketime - A time.Now() that respects faketime(1).
- go-i18n-money - Internationalizable (spanish compatible) monetary value type.
- go-i18n-date - Internationalizable date formats.
- go-i18n-error - Go library for internationalizable (i18n) errors.
- go-uauth - Minimalist Go library for Google Oauth authentication using Gin.
- go-sharewith - Create share with URLs in Go.
- go-bool3 - Dirty library that defines a 3 state boolean. Used in HTML checkboxes.
- go-slimg - This is a Go package for converting images to a smaller size and embedding them in HTML pages. It is intended to be used in web applications.
- go-dbt1 - This is a collection of go types to be used with databases.
- go-msmtp - Small library for sending mails using msmtp(1) and file(1) in Go.
- go-runmode - Decide running mode (release/debug) from an environment variable.
- go-doneit - DoneIt is a lightweight Go library that determines whether a task, represented by a string, has been completed or not.
SH/Bash frameworks and libraries.
- sh-hutil - Utility library for writting shell scripts.
- sh-hcc - This program allows launching C files as scripts using GCC.
- sh-hsql - A wrapper around various SQL command line utilities.
- sh-compat-1 - Compativility wrapper collection.
- sh-compat-2 - Compativility scripts for MS Windows system administration.
- sh-getinfo - Load shell scripts to fetch variables/configuration.
- sh-vault - Save backups of the files downloaded by your scripts for the time the
System administration utilities
GNU/Linux system administration tools.
- sh-capedsh - A restricted shell to put in /etc/passwd to allow a user only some commands.
- sh-mxdg - Assign files and URLs to programs in X11 desktops.
- sh-lanwan - Program for determining whether you are at home.
OpenBSD programs and utilities.
System administration utilities.
- sh-port-listing - List listening TCP and UDP ports.
- sh-hformat - A wrapper around Linux disk formatting tools with sane parameters.
- sh-rpivoid - Install VOID Linux in a SDCARD for a Raspberry PI, and configure, with security, in a single command.
- sh-log-scripts - Some scripts for log analysis.
- sh-create-wallpaper - Create a custom wallpaper for a machine using ImageMagick(1).
MS Windows programs and utilities.
- win-bundle-exe - Generate binary bundles or programs for Microsoft Windows (Directory to .exe)
- sh-s2b - Pack busybox windows shell scripts in batch files.
- sh-busybox-windows-extra - Scripts for Busybox for windows.
- c-win-shw - Windows OpenSSHD Shell Wrapper to fix some issues with parameter passing.
- c-win-mutexed - Run one instance of a program at the same time (MS Windows implementation).
File format conversion utilities.
Utilities written over UNIX core utilities.
Some programs I wrote in C.
- c-slhtml - Simple/Suckless HTML processor.
- c-nflip - Small program for flipping the sign of numbers readen from the standard input.
- c-chcase - Small program to transform from CamelCase to snake_case and vice versa.
Utilities for specific file formats.
- py-vcsv - Extract data from a “Vertical CSV file (VCSV)”. A vertical CSV has keys in it’s first columns and values in the rest.
Organization and productivity utilities.
- sh-miniweb - Personal website maintenance script. (gemini/gopher/http)
- sh-punch - The punching application that follows the UNIX philosophy.
- sh-pass-dmenu - Small password manager based on pass(1) and dmenu(1).
- sh-xrec - Screen recorder for remembering where you where after a while.
- sh-datefiles - Create directories with “YYYY-MM-DD” format and catalog/decatalog files into them.
- sh-clipzip - Create encrypted zip files with the clipboard content for sharing.
- sh-quick - Ask the user to manually download files.
- sh-ocrpdf - Extract text from pdf files using tesseract(1).
- sh-sbug - Small multiuser bug tracking system.
- sh-texmacs-scripts - Scripts for TeXmacs.
- go-sicon - Suckless systray icon utility.
Tools for solving specific tasks.
- sh-magnet2torrent - Convert magnet URLs to torrent files using aria2c(1).
- sh-hcookies - Extract cookies from firefox to use them with wget/curl or GNU/Emacs.
- sh-phone-screen - Embed screenshot in a phone frame and output a SVG.
Extensions for OpenSSH.
- sh-ssh-mount - Scripts for SSH mounting.
- sh-ssh-windows - Scripts for managing MS Windows machines using OpenSSH.
- sh-ssh-wireshark - Capture packets in servers using ssh/tcpdump and local wireshark.
- sh-ssh-workplace - Manage the “Employee Computer Fleet” and their shared working directories.
- sh-ssh-chmod-0600 - Change permissions of files to 0600 in Windows and UNIX. Required by OpenSSH.
Virtualization/containerization utilities
Open Source websites I host.
- go-iberiar - Iberian script transcription program and website. You can visit it on